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Thread: Stock carb kit info

  1. #41


    With the carb kits, are the NOS ones any good? I mean, I got one (NOS military issue) and the carb is having problems after only one year. The diaphram on the accelerator pump is dry rotted. I am looking for a new kit too, it seems like the guy in Canada has fresh kits and standard shipping. Is the Memphis Equipment one comparative or is it just NOS too?

    1969 M715 WO/W

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Port Orchard, Wash.


    Along the same lines, I wonder if they're not using materials in the NOS stuff that are adversely affected by modern fuels, eh?
    -- Tim Taylor

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Binford View Post
    Along the same lines, I wonder if they're not using materials in the NOS stuff that are adversely affected by modern fuels, eh?
    It would seem that way, and most here will agree that the NOS fuel pump kits have that problem.
    1969 M715 WO/W

  4. #44

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Binford View Post
    Here is the kit that I got:

    Got it off eBay pretty cheap (like ~$10 to my door IIRC). It was pretty much all correct, except that the accelerator pump arm was wrong. Our carburetors need the one on the left. The kit came with the one on the right. NAPA was able to come up with the right one for me for about $12, but I didn't note the part number. I know, I know.....

    If you need it, I'll see if I can dig up the receipt and get it.
    I know this post is almost 1-1/2 yr old, but....
    I'm trying to rebuild a carb and bought a 1920 kit off ebay - HYGRADE #533A. BORG WARNER #10344A, CARTER 902-755A - which is exactly what I had seen referenced somewhere else. Anyway, seems like I can use most everything except the accelerator pump. It looks like the one on the right. Any chance you might still be able to find the part number for the correct pump? My local small-town NAPA isn't too good unless you have a part #.

    Any help is GREATLY appreciated.
    Just starting on my "new to me" '67.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Rhoadesville, Virginia (five miles from no place)


    Quote Originally Posted by mcbuck View Post
    My local small-town NAPA isn't too good unless you have a part #.
    Go in there and ask one of the counter guys to see the picture book for the Echlin carburetor kits. He may balk, but they should have one on hand. It will give the actual pictures of the components that are available seperately like floats, accelerator pump diaphragms, etc. Echlin does this with all their electrical components as well.

    It may take a bit of time to look through them all, but you should be able to come up with the part you need.

    Most counter guys now don't want to do much if the computer can't do it for them, so you're kind of on your own there. Even more so when the part in question is older than the kid behind the counter.
    "Free advice is worth what you pay for it."™

  6. #46


    I did just that - went and asked for the picture book. I found one that looks right and was listed as being for a '63-'65 Jeep. There were 2 somewhere in Virginia, so when it gets here I'll let you know if it works and what the part # is.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    SF Bay Area, CA


    Mcbuck, Thanks for your efforts!

  8. #48


    NAPA part # is 2-4147. Shaft and notch are identical, and re-assembly seemed perfect. Thanks Randy!
    '67 m715 just rescued

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin


    Thanks for posting the part number!!

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Rhoadesville, Virginia (five miles from no place)


    Quote Originally Posted by mcbuck View Post
    NAPA part # is 2-4147. Shaft and notch are identical, and re-assembly seemed perfect. Thanks Randy!
    Glad to be of help....sometimes a little time spent in the old-fashioned book makes all the difference!
    "Free advice is worth what you pay for it."™

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