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Thread: battery cable hookup

  1. #11


    i quit fooling with it when it got dark, in the morning i will check out the things you guys have told me to check. i don`t want to fry the silly thing in the dark. i need to clean out my shop. i think you may be right on the floor switch being stuck. i don`t even have to touch it to turn the starter, just touch a cable to the battery and away it goes. hope i haven`t burnt anything up. thanks, larry

  2. Default

    You might be able to pick-up a "New" switch at your local autoparts store
    AutoLite # SW-4012
    1969 M715

  3. #13


    my light switch will not move into all of the positions that are marked on it. it is probably corroded inside as this truck has set for years. so could that be a source for a short? one that i can`t see? larry

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Lone Pine, CA


    Larry, in a fit of Coors/Jack Daniels induced bliss I deleted all my PM's. Just send my your address and I'll start over.


    Oh yea, the light switch is easy to short if the lock is broken. But that shouldn't screw with the start circuit (I think). Anyhow, readdress me and you oughta be OK with the starter.

  5. #15


    the right hand lever that says lock will not move at all now. maybe if i drank some more it would move. thanks, larry

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin


    You very likely have a problem that I had in the light switch....get a new can remove the 3 lever switch and take the BIG cannon plug off the rear to disconnect power from it and see if it helps...but it shouldnt matter IF you can put the top lever of the switch in the center the lower left lever to off as well. By your description, I too lean on the starter switch...I would disconnect it first and see if the problem goes away....I *think* it will.
    Good luck!
    Lord send your Holy Ghost into our hearts and make the desire of our hearts Your Will.

    Pro-choice, that's a LIE, babies don't choose to die!!

  7. #17


    i have been waiting for the rain to quit so i can get back to work . i will unhook the light switch and see if that works, then the starter switch. thanks guys

  8. #18


    i have another silly question. there is a sticker on the back / inside of the cab, that says + to + and - to - . or it will ruin the alternator. the online manual says - to ground. + to -, + to starter switch. can anyone tell me which is correct. i would appreciate any help. larry

  9. #19

    Default MV Wrecks, Have you and how bad?

    Your batteries should hook up as follows. Body Ground to - on first battery, + on first bat to - on second bat. + on second bat to starter. I bet the sticker you have is yellow with black lettering? I beleive that is for jump starting which would make sense to hook + to + and - to -.
    Zone holster maker

  10. #20


    Hey guys, in a pinch, you can wire a 12v ford solenoid in place of the stock swith, I ran one that way after the stock on let go right before a parade. Worked great, I even left it in for about a year. The coild side must be center tapped so the only 12v hits it, the switch side of course has 24v thru it. Makes a good cheap temp fix.
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