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Thread: compexp : wheel cylinders

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    northern Arizona

    Default compexp : wheel cylinders

    wheel cylinders
    Post by compexp on Oct 1, 2006, 7:14pm

    Ok, very long frustrating day! Took left front wheel off, had to drill one of the brake drum retaining screws out. Ok, no biggie. Got the wheel cylinder pulled, went and borrowed a honer, tried to get new cylinder rubber cups, all 3 local parts stores by my house were out, but a store halfway across town had them.

    Drove down to get them, $.15 each, probably spent more in gas than the cups.

    Got home, blew air through the driver's brake line, honed and painted the wheel cylinder, set it aside so I could pull the pass side and get it ready too.

    IT TOOK ME 6 compressor fills and probably 1/2 can of WD-40 trying to get the lug nuts off! grrrr - my impact puts out 265 lbs of torque. The last one took forever!

    Anyway, long and short, finally got the pass cylinder off, took awhile to get the cups out to hone it, clean up the cylinder and it's cracked. Not sure if it was cracked or I did it getting the guts out. So....

    []I need the part number for the wheel cylinders that you guys have used from the Ford vans. Exact part numbers would be great, as it's been a very long and frustrating day.

    7 hours - two wheels pulled, one cylinder rebuilt - one broken. Not very productive.

    Thanks for the help in advance.

  2. #2

    Default wi715 :

    Re: wheel cylinders
    Post by wi715 on Oct 1, 2006, 8:04pm

    94 ford E-350 single rear wheel 1 1/16" Bore Diameter

    NAPA # UP 37262 and 37263


  3. #3

    Default k8icu :

    Re: wheel cylinders
    Post by k8icu on Oct 1, 2006, 9:04pm

    I don't know comp sounds like it was semi productive. You got one wheel ready to go back together and one half way. Better than not getting anything done.

    Hope it goes back together for you real quick.

  4. #4

    Default ih200 :

    Re: wheel cylinders
    Post by ih200 on Oct 1, 2006, 9:17pm

    Good thing I didn't bother with fixing the brakes before we made the deal. Good luck on the rest of the brakes.

  5. #5

    Default kwai :

    Re: wheel cylinders
    Post by kwai on Oct 1, 2006, 10:29pm

    That's because the brakes probably haven't been worked on 20 years.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    northern Arizona

    Default compexp :

    Re: wheel cylinders
    Post by compexp on Oct 1, 2006, 11:57pm

    actually, the brake pads looked pretty good. Just had some bad luck with bits breaking on my impact driver, etc. I'll get it, just frustrating.

    thanks for the part numbers John. What did you have to modify to fit, just the ears?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin

    Default brute4c :

    Re: wheel cylinders
    Post by brute4c on Oct 2, 2006, 10:02am

    I use those same wheel of these days I am gonna do another set and do a writeup...but its easy...heres the skinny...

    When you take out the 2 mount bolts from the old ones, those 2 holes need to be enlarged only on the bottom part of the hole...the hole needs to move downward about 1/4 ot 1/3 of the hole size so the new ones can bolt on...left and right are fine.

    I used a rat tail file...took about 20 can use a die grinder or a bunch of other tools too...

    I did put a wider washer on the bolt just because...

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